Let’s take a moment to remind ourselves that indexes are a key component of relational databases. Only one in this case ("The Dictator's Handbook"): count Here, let's count the books with the authors field entered: SELECT COUNT(*) FROM books WHERE data ? 'authors' To enter data to the books table we just pass the whole JSON string as a field value: INSERT INTO books VALUES (1, ''::jsonb Īs a variation on containment, jsonb also has an existence operator ( ?) which can be used to find whether an object key or array element is present. Simply enough, we specify the data column with the jsonb data type: CREATE TABLE books ( The operations in this section will be essentially the same either if you use json or jsonb, but let's review them to refresh what we can do with JSON and to set our use case before we see the jsonb goodies right after. Let's use a toy model with book entries to illustrate some basic operations when working with JSON data in PostgreSQL. To avoid this, you may consider storing data that you may aggregate later on regular fields.įor further commentary about this issue, you can read Heap's blog post When To Avoid JSONB In A PostgreSQL Schema. All of this will be unavailable when the info is entered as JSON fields, and you will suffer a heavy performance penalty especially when aggregating data ( COUNT, AVG, SUM, etc) among tons of JSON fields. The reason behind this last issue is that, for any given column, PostgreSQL saves descriptive statistics such as the number of distinct and most common values, the fraction of NULL entries, and -for ordered types- a histogram of the data distribution. certain queries (especially aggregate ones) may be slower due to the lack of statistics.

Since version 9.4, PostgreSQL offers a significant speedup when using the binary representation of JSON data, jsonb, which can give you that extra edge you need to increase your performance.
#Psql json query how to#
Lucero Del Alba takes a look at how to get better performance out of jsonb data types in PostgreSQL in this Compose's Write Stuff article.
#Psql json query trial#
Faster Operations with the JSONB Data Type in PostgreSQL postgresql json jsonb Free 30 Day Trial